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Paimon A desert world known for its giant sand worms and buried scraps and treasures from forgotten ships and ancient excavations. Notable Places
Eureka Springs: The name is entirely misleading, as there is no water to be found here or anywhere nearby. It is a small settlement with little more than an outdoor market and cantina. Environment: It is cold at night and hot in the day. The planet's axial tilt results in extremely long-lasting seasons, especially during the winter and summer months. There are some grass, tree, and cacti vegetation with a mix of animals, mostly reptilian in nature. Government: The Alliance controls Paimon, though settlements are few and far between. Planetary Moons
Coming soon! |
Star System: 3596 Sköll, M5 IV Red Subgiant Type: Terrestrial World Habitability Scale: ◆◆◆◆◇ Inhabited Species: Any |
Ice world A large ice world with tall mountains, vast stretching icy plains and huge caves large enough for some ships to traverse through. Notable Places
Environment: A Cold, dry world with an atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen. Most of the surface is covered with ice and there is little life on the surface, though what does exist topside is usually incredibly dangerous or incredibly hardy. The inhabitants of the planet have adapted to these harsh conditions and have found ways to survive below the surface of the ice where there is a vast network of caves that go through the entire planet, featuring underground rivers and lakes as well as multiple underground cities and settlements. There are very few settlements topside and any cities that were there are now long abandoned to the elements. Government: This planet's government is a militaristic form of oligarchy, in which all decisions concerning the planet are made by a council of the strongest warlords made up of multiple clans. The main species that makes up these clans is the Khekral [Kee-kruhl], the native inhabitants of this world. They are generally distrustful of outsiders, though there are other species that decided to settle here and have proved themselves worthy of being part of the clans in some way or another. Planetary Moons
Moon 1 Moon 2 electric boogaloo |
Star System: 3596 Sköll, M5 IV Red Subgiant
Type: Terrestrial World Habitability Scale: ◆◆◆◇◇ Inhabited Species: The Khekral [Kee-kruhl], Some other species |